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The baby blues: the importance of Omega 3 and GABA


The arrival of a newborn is often a moment of intense joy, but for some women, this period can be marked by the baby blues; it is a phase of sadness and emotion after childbirth. Studies have found that lack of Omega 3 late in pregnancy is associated with an increased risk of postpartum depression.

Fortunately, taking Omega 3 during and after pregnancy can prove beneficial, as these essential fatty acids play a crucial role in the emotional balance of the brain.

The baby blues is usually triggered by both psychological and physiological changes. They are linked to the sudden adaptation to the arrival of the newborn and to a significant drop in hormone levels, whether the delivery was natural or by cesarean section. However, this feeling of sadness and emotional instability tends to appear between the 3rd and 5th day after childbirth..

A drug ?

The American Medicines Agency (FDA) has just authorized the marketing of Zurzuvae; first drug in the treatment of postpartum depression. This decision breaks the taboo on this frequent problem for many women after childbirth.

A recent study looked at its effectiveness and safety. It acts as a modulator of GABA receptors to notably improve mood and induce muscle relaxation. Its most common side effects are: digestive disturbances, drowsiness and dizziness which can affect the ability to drive. This molecule is toxic to the fetus and therefore treatment should only begin after childbirth and is only available in the United States.

If you're feeling the symptoms of the baby blues, don't beat yourself up. It is important to seek help from health professionals who are there to support and reassure young mothers.

baby blues

Natural solutions?

For women who wish to favor natural approaches, the consumption of Omega 3, in particular DHA during and after pregnancy, can be an interesting option. It is an essential brain fatty acid that plays a crucial role in emotional balance and can help alleviate the symptoms of baby blues.

A diet rich in Omega 3 can include fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, and mackerel, as well as plant sources like flaxseeds and walnuts.

Yunova® Pharma offers you Nutrineural® Omega 3, a vegan Omega 3 based on algae containing 250 mg of DHA for normal brain function.


can also be produced naturally: it is a neurotransmitter involved in the regulation of mood and anxiety. By acting on GABA receptors, it is possible to reduce the symptoms of baby blues and promote a sense of calm and well-being in young mothers. There are probiotics that can naturally synthesize GABA. They're called psychobiotics.

In a previous article, we told you about the importance of the gut-brain axis and GABA. Yunova® Pharma offers you Gababiotic®, Combination of four microbiotic strains (Bifidobacterium infantis, Bifidobacterium longum, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus helveticus) and group B vitamins.

Our purpose at Yunova Pharma: “Reduce drug consumption”.